My Mission
My Mission
Oregon Veteran Realtor seeks to provide real estate services to US Military Servicemembers, Veterans, and their families with a focus on utilization of available federal and state Veterans Affairs home loan programs. Through these activities I not only equipment my brothers and sisters with the subject matter expertise to acquire their first homes, but also establish relationships as we work to flesh-out their long-term financial strategy - or at least the real estate pillar of that strategy. It is more than the traditional Realtor-Client relationship you see elsewhere, as we already have a connection through our service to our country.

Where does the money go?
For those that aren't familiar with Realtors, in most instances, Real Estate Agents and Brokers typically don't charge buyers and sellers by the hour. Instead, they take a cut of the sales price—in the form of a commission.
The contracts buyers and sellers have with their agents determine the agents' commissions. The real estate fee is often split evenly between the buyer and seller agents, although a contract could stipulate that one agent receives more of the commission than the other. Bottom-line, unless there is some unique stipulation, Realtors only get paid when they successfully perform their service and a transaction is completed. These commissions are negotiated, but generally fall between 4%-6% of the sales price, and as mentioned that is split between the buying and selling agent. For example, on a $300,000 with a 6% commission split 50/50 between buyer/seller agents, then $9,000 would go to the seller agent and $9,000 would go to the buyer agent.
For most Realtors, this is their livelihood, they pay their taxes, feed their kids, heat their homes, buy their clothes, and fuel their car from these commissions. For other Realtors, they provide real estate services alongside other jobs or while retired, and the income generated by being a Realtor supplements their other sources of income. I am in the later category, I provide office management services for my brokerage Sundance Realty, I am a commissioned officer in the Army Reserves, and receive a modest amount of VA disability pay. These other sources of income provide for the needs of my family. So what am I doing with commissions produced through real estate services as a Realtor? Simple answer - charity!
I manage and write for a 501(C)4 non-profit organization called War Is My​ Business that seeks to help bridge the civil-military divide through the discussion of military concepts, principles, and tenets and how those relate to the business world. Around 70% of the commission will go directly into this account which will allow me to gather research materials, software, and support for the generation of content to reach a greater and greater audience, bridging the divide through discussion of conflict and commerce. I also offer the other 30% to go directly into a veteran/military charity of your choosing: Wounded Warriors, USO, Gold Star Families, VFW, homeless veteran organizations, whatever you desire as long as it is focused on veterans or the military.
War Is My Business
Former Army Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley stated:
"I believe, Mark Milley believes, the burden’s on us — the guys in uniform — to make sure that we really reach out beyond just what’s on the news and TV... That we reach out to communities and we let the people know who we are and what we do and what we’re about."
Veteran/Military Charity
of Your Choosing

Any particular Veteran/Military Charity you deem worthy of a donation, feel free to discuss it with me. No issues! Let's go out there is do some good :)

Field Artillery 13A, US Army Reserves
Oregon Army National Guard - 4 YEARS
Regular Army: Republic of Korea; Fort Sill, OK; Fort Bliss, TX - 9 YEARS
Army Reserves: Fort Bliss, TX; Clackamas, OR - 3 YEARS - Currently Serving
Military Education:
Army Basic Training - Infantry AIT
Field Artillery Basic Officer Leaders Course (FABOLC)
Joint Firepower Controller Course (JFC)
Joint Operational Fires and Effects Course (JOFEC)
Precision Firepower - Weaponeering - Collateral Damage Estimation
Joint Fires Observer Course (JFO)
Army Basic Instructor Course (ABIC) - Small Group Instructor Trainer Course (SGITC)
Field Artillery Captains Career Course (FACCC)

Principal Broker - Licensed in Oregon, Sundance Realty LLC
Sundance Realty LLC Owner & Designated Realtor
3D Real Estate Scanning
Real Estate Services for Veterans, Servicemembers, and their Families
Civilian Education:
Bachelor of Arts in History; minors in Military Science & Japanese
Master of Arts in Military Studies; concentration Joint Warfare
Master of Arts in Business Administration
Six Sigma Black Belt Professional (SSBBP)
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Certified Kaizen Facilitator (CKF)
Military Relocation Professional Certification
Pricing Strategy Advisor Certification